Swiss Guard Headline Animator

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"Swiss Guard" see the history below which started in 1500's

Swiss Guard in Rome guarding the Pope

Swiss Guard in Rome guarding the Pope
The Story is in 1524, with tons of history and romance in France.

The story:

In 1527 a young Swiss mercenary fighting within the French Army unexpectedly becomes the personal guard of Pope Clement Vll. Along his journey to Rome, he witnesses the death of his older brother during the Battle of Pavia. He also falls in love with a young woman who is giving comfort to injured French soldiers. He loses touch with the woman, only to find her again in Rome, already married. Heartbroken he joins the Swiss Guard unit and ultimately helps protect the Pope during the Sack of Rome.

Producers: Marlene Mendoza and Don Festge
Writer: Joel Goulet

See below blog showing their history on how they began.

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